EasyCV  0.9.36
Easy! Computer Vision
easy.vatic Namespace Reference


def parse

Detailed Description

Parses VATIC files.
matz, Dec 2013.

As per https://raw.github.com/cvondrick/vatic/master/README:
The parser expects a txt file in wich each line contains one
annotation. Each line contains 10+ columns, separated by spaces. The
definition of these columns are:

1   Track ID. All rows with the same ID belong to the same path.
2   xmin. The top left x-coordinate of the bounding box.
3   ymin. The top left y-coordinate of the bounding box.
4   xmax. The bottom right x-coordinate of the bounding box.
5   ymax. The bottom right y-coordinate of the bounding box.
6   frame. The frame that this annotation represents.
7   lost. If 1, the annotation is outside of the view screen.
8   occluded. If 1, the annotation is occluded.
9   generated. If 1, the annotation was automatically interpolated.
10  label. The label for this annotation, enclosed in quotation marks.
11+ attributes. Each column after this is an attribute.

Note: Frame numbers start with '0' as the first frame.  This convention
is used by the CVAC code as well.

Function Documentation

def easy.vatic.parse (   CVAC_DataDir,