EasyCV  0.9.36
Easy! Computer Vision
Classes | Functions | Variables
easy.easy Namespace Reference


class  CorpusCallbackI
class  TrainerCallbackReceiverI
class  DetectorCallbackReceiverI


def getFSPath
def getCvacPath
def isLikelyVideo
def isLikelyDir
def getLabelable
def getLabelableList
def getCorpusServer
def getDefaultCorpusServer
def openCorpus
def closeCorpus
def createLocalMirror
def getDataSet
def isInBounds
def isProperRunSet
def printCategoryInfo
def printSubstrateInfo
def printRunSetInfo
def getPurpose
def getPurposedLabelableSeq
def addPurposedLabelablesToRunSet
def addToClassmap
def _determineDefaultPurpose
def getCategories
def addToRunSet
def createRunSet
def getFileServer
def getDefaultFileServer
def putFile
def getFile
def collectSubstrates
def _collectSubstratesFromResults
def putAllFiles
def getAllFiles
def deleteAllFiles
def getProxyString
def getTrainerProperties
def getTrainer
def getVerbosityNumber
def train
def getDetectorProperties
def getDetector
def discardSuboptimal
def getBestDetectorData
def makeROCdata
def isROCdata
def getSensitivityOptions
def detect
def getPurposeName
def getLabelText
def printResults
def initGraphics
def showImage
def showROCPlot
def drawResults
def drawLabelables
def showImagesWithLabels
def getHighestConfidenceLabel
def sortIntoFolders
def testResultSyntax


 args = sys.argv
tuple modulepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
tuple config_client_path = os.path.abspath(modulepath)
tuple nextdir = os.path.dirname(config_client_path)
tuple ic = Ice.initialize(args)
 defaultCS = None
tuple CVAC_DataDir = ic.getProperties()
tuple CVAC_ClientVerbosity = os.getenv("CVAC_CLIENT_VERBOSITY", "info")

Detailed Description

Easy Computer Vision

easy.py is a high-level interface to the underlying metadata
description syntax and to the multi-language service-oriented
architecture.  Its goal is to hide the lower-leve complexities
and to provide, uhm, easy access functions to its functionality.

Function Documentation

def easy.easy._collectSubstratesFromResults (   results)
Collect all image substrates of found labels;
if the foundLabel does not have a path, use the path from
the original
def easy.easy._determineDefaultPurpose (   label,
If a purpose is given, return that.  If not, return the purpose in the
classmap mapping from label to Purpose.  If not found, return UNPURPOSED.
def easy.easy.addPurposedLabelablesToRunSet (   runset,
Append labelables to a sequence with the same purpose.
If the runset does not have one, add a new sequence.
def easy.easy.addToClassmap (   classmap,
def easy.easy.addToRunSet (   runset,
  purpose = None,
  classmap = None 
Add samples to a given RunSet.
Take a look at the documentation for createRunSet for details.
def easy.easy.closeCorpus (   corpus,
  corpusServer = None 
Close a previously opened Corpus, presumable to re-open
it with an updated properties file or new files
def easy.easy.collectSubstrates (   runset)
obtain a set (a list without duplicates) of all
substrates that occur in this runset or result set
def easy.easy.createLocalMirror (   corpusServer,
Call the corpusServer to create the local mirror for the
specified corpus.  Provide a simple callback for tracking.
def easy.easy.createRunSet (   samples,
  purpose = None,
  classmap = None 
Add all samples from the argument to a new RunSet.
Determine whether this is a two-class (positive and negative)
or a multiclass dataset and create the RunSet appropriately.
Input argument can also be a string to a single file.
Note that the positive and negative classes might not be
determined correctly automatically.  Specifiy a single Purpose
if all samples will have the same purpose.
Return the mapping from Purpose (class ID) to label name.
def easy.easy.deleteAllFiles (   fileserver,
Delete all files that were previously uploaded to the fileserver.
For reporting purposes, return what has and has not been uploaded.
def easy.easy.detect (   detector,
  detectorProperties = None,
  callbackRecv = None 
Synchronously run detection with the specified detector,
trained model, and optional callback receiver.
The detectorData has to be a filename of a pre-trained model, or
 empty if the detector is pre-configured with a model, or if it does
 not require a model.  Naturally, the model has to be
 compatible with the detector.
The runset can be either a cvac.RunSet object or anything that
createRunSet can turn into a RunSet.
If a callback receiver is specified, this function returns nothing,
otherwise, the obtained results are returned.
def easy.easy.discardSuboptimal (   perfdata,
  saveRelativeDir = None 
This function returns
1) all ROC operating points [x-axis: false alarm, y-axis:recall] 
2) index of optimal ROC points among all ROC points.
Input variables are 
1) perfdata = performance data from jousting 
2) saveRelativeDir = directory for saving a log file (CAUTION: it's just for DEBUGGING)         
def easy.easy.drawLabelables (   lablist,
  maxsize = None 
def easy.easy.drawResults (   results)
def easy.easy.getAllFiles (   fileserver,
Make sure all files in the RunSet are available on the local site;
if they are not then they will be downloaded via the remote fileserver
to the local site.
For reporting purposes, return what has and has not been uploaded.
def easy.easy.getBestDetectorData (   listRocData,
This function returns the best detector data among detectors from a ROC file
according to a criteria.
Users can select only one criteria at a time; false alarm rate or recall rate
When users set both criterias, it will return the best f-scored detector data. 
But, it may cause unexpected results. 
def easy.easy.getCategories (   lablist)
def easy.easy.getCorpusServer (   configstr)
Connect to a Corpus server based on the given configuration string
def easy.easy.getCvacPath (   fsPath)
Turn a file system path into a CVAC FilePath
def easy.easy.getDataSet (   corpus,
  corpusServer = None,
  createMirror = False 
Obtain the set of labels from the given corpus and return it as
a dictionary of label categories.  Also return a flat list of all labels.
The default local corpusServer is used if not explicitly specified.
If the corpus argument is not given as an actual cvac.Corpus object
but the argument is a string instead, an attempt is made to
open (but not create) a Corpus object from the corpusServer.
Note that this will fail if the corpus needs a local mirror but has not
been downloaded yet, unless createMirror=True.
def easy.easy.getDefaultCorpusServer ( )
Returns the CorpusServer that is expected to run locally at port 10011
def easy.easy.getDefaultFileServer (   detector)
Assume that a FileServer is running on the host of the detector
at the default port (10110).  Obtain a connection to that.
def easy.easy.getDetector (   configString)
Connect to a detector service
def easy.easy.getDetectorProperties (   detector)
Get the detector properties for this detector
def easy.easy.getFile (   fileserver,
def easy.easy.getFileServer (   configString)
Obtain a reference to a remote FileServer.
Generally, every host of CVAC services also has one FileServer.
def easy.easy.getFSPath (   cvacPath,
  abspath = False 
Turn a CVAC path into a file system path
def easy.easy.getHighestConfidenceLabel (   lablist)
Return the label in the list that has the highest confidence.
If multiple labels have the same high confidence, the first of these
is returned.
def easy.easy.getLabelable (   filepath,
  labelText = None 
Create a Labelable wrapper around the file, assigning
a textual label if specified.
def easy.easy.getLabelableList (   dirpath,
  recursive = True,
  video = True,
  image = True 
Return a list of Labelables contained within the directory (optionally recursively)
def easy.easy.getLabelText (   label,
  classmap = None,
  guess = False 
Return a label text for the label: either
"unlabeled" or the name of the label or whatever
Purpose this label maps to.
def easy.easy.getProxyString (   configString)
If we have a proxy string already then just return it.  If we have
a detector name look it up in the config.client file and return the
proxy string.  If we don't have either then return empty string 
def easy.easy.getPurpose (   purpose)
Try to convert the input in to cvac.Purpose
def easy.easy.getPurposedLabelableSeq (   runset,
Return the PurposedLabelableSeq in the runset that has
the specified purpose, or None.
def easy.easy.getPurposeName (   purpose)
Returns a string to identify the purpose or an
int to identify a multiclass class ID.
def easy.easy.getSensitivityOptions (   detectorData)
Return any False Alarm, and Recall rate options available
in the model file.  This will return a list of
<false alarm, recall> pairs that
have been trained into the model or None if they are not any.
detectorData is the model file that that might contain the
different model files and sensitivity options.
def easy.easy.getTrainer (   configString)
Connect to a trainer service
def easy.easy.getTrainerProperties (   trainer)
Get the trainer properties for this trainer
def easy.easy.getVerbosityNumber (   verbosityString)
Convert error, info, warning etc into 1, 2, 3 etc.
def easy.easy.initGraphics (   title = "results")
def easy.easy.isInBounds (   labelable)
Return True if the LabeledLocation is within image bounds.
def easy.easy.isLikelyDir (   path)
Return true if path is likely a directory.
Note that the path could be on a remote server, therefore
we cannot check for existence and type of path (dir, file)
but instead have to guess from the file extension, if any
def easy.easy.isLikelyVideo (   cvacPath)
def easy.easy.isProperRunSet (   runset,
  deleteInvalid = False 
Return True if the RunSet has proper syntax, False otherwise.
If deleteInvalid==True, labeled artifacts with bounding boxes out
of image bounds will be removed from the RunSet. 
def easy.easy.isROCdata (   rocZip)
This function checks whether the input zip file is a ROC zip file or 
not (a regular detector file). Decision is based on existence 
of the file "roc.properties".
Return 1) is it a ROC zip file or not
Return 2) model files and their false alarm rate and recall rate 
(if it is a ROC zip file). 
Return 3) a temp folder including model files (if it is a ROC zip file).     
def easy.easy.makeROCdata (   rocData_optimal)
This function makes a single ZIP file incluing mulitple detector data 
and their performance values (false alarm and recall).
Performance values are written in the file "roc.properties"
Input format: a list of [detectordata, false alarm, recall]
def easy.easy.openCorpus (   corpusPath,
  corpusServer = None 
Open a Corpus specified by a properties file,
   or create a new Corpus from all files in a given directory;
   if no corpusServer is specified, a default local server is
   expected at port 10011
def easy.easy.printCategoryInfo (   categories)
Categories are a dictionary, key being the label and the
value being all samples of that label.
def easy.easy.printResults (   results,
  foundMap = None,
  origMap = None,
  inverseMap = False 
Print detection results as specified in a ResultSet.
If classmaps are specified, the labels are mapped
(replaced by) purposes: the foundMap maps found labels and
the origMap maps the original labels.  The maps are Python
dictionaries, mapping either a label to a Purpose or a label
to a string.

If inverseMap=True: Since detectors do not produce Purposes,
but the foundMap maps labels to Purposes, it is assumed that
the user wishes to replace a label that hints at the Purpose
with the label that maps to that same Purpose.  For example,
a result label of '12' is assumed to be a class ID.  The
classmap might map 'face' to a Purpose(MULTICLASS, 12).
Hence, we would replace '12' with 'face'.
def easy.easy.printRunSetInfo (   runset,
  printLabels = False,
  printArtifacts = True 
You can pass in an actual cvac.RunSet or a dictionary with
the runset and a classmap, as returned by createRunSet.
def easy.easy.printSubstrateInfo (   labelList,
  indent = "",
  printLabels = False 
def easy.easy.putAllFiles (   fileserver,
Make sure all files in the RunSet are available on the remote site;
it is the client\'s responsibility to upload them if not.
For reporting purposes, return what has and has not been uploaded.
def easy.easy.putFile (   fileserver,
  testExistence = True 
Copy the file referenced by filepath to the specified fileserver.
By default, test first if the file exists on the fileserver, and only
putFile if it does not exist.
def easy.easy.showImage (   img)
def easy.easy.showImagesWithLabels (   substrates,
  maxsize = None 
Takes a dictionary of type dict[file_system_path] = [Labelable] as
input and renders every image with labels overlaid.  The size
parameter can be used to display all images at the same size.
def easy.easy.showROCPlot (   ptList)
Plot image is 300x200 with 10 pixel space around the plot so the
plot area is 280x180. So each 1/10th is 18 pixels in height and 28 pixels in width.
Plot 0,0 is pixel 10, 190
def easy.easy.sortIntoFolders (   results,
  multi = "highest",
  symlink = False 
Sort the substrates from the original labels into subfolders of
"outfolder" corresponding to the found labels;
if multiple labels were found per original, consider only
the label with the highest confidence unless otherwise
specified.  Create symlinks if desired and if possible (on Unix),
copy files by default.  CVAC.DataDir must be absolute for symlinks to work.
Note: this method is intended for images, not videos.
def easy.easy.testResultSyntax (   results,
  runset = None 
More a unit testing routine than for user consumption, this function
tests whether the result data structure returned from a detector is
valid.  It checks the data structure composition as well as some
required contents and reports errors accordingly.  A boolean return
value signals success.
If a runset is given, the results\' original labels are compared
against the labels provided in the runset.
def easy.easy.train (   trainer,
  callbackRecv = None,
  trainerProperties = None 
A callback receiver can optionally be specified

Variable Documentation

easy.easy.args = sys.argv
easy.easy.config_client_path = os.path.abspath(modulepath)
tuple easy.easy.CVAC_ClientVerbosity = os.getenv("CVAC_CLIENT_VERBOSITY", "info")
string easy.easy.CVAC_DataDir = ic.getProperties()
easy.easy.defaultCS = None
tuple easy.easy.ic = Ice.initialize(args)
tuple easy.easy.modulepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
tuple easy.easy.nextdir = os.path.dirname(config_client_path)