EasyCV  0.9.36
Easy! Computer Vision
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cvac::FileService Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for cvac::FileService:

Private Member Functions

bool exists (FilePath file) throws FileServiceException
void putFile (FilePath file, ByteSeq bytes) throws FileServiceException
ByteSeq getFile (FilePath file) throws FileServiceException
void deleteFile (FilePath file) throws FileServiceException
FilePath createSnapshot (FilePath file) throws FileServiceException
FileProperties getProperties (FilePath file) throws FileServiceException

Detailed Description

FileService facilitates upload and download of files, particularly media files such as images and videos. It can also produce a snapshot of an image or video. A FileService will grant read permissions to any file that is readable by the FileService process. It will grant write/delete permissions only to files that have been created by the same client.

Member Function Documentation

FilePath cvac::FileService::createSnapshot ( FilePath  file) throws FileServiceException

Creates a new file *_snap.jpg next to the original file. The download request needs to be made separately.

void cvac::FileService::deleteFile ( FilePath  file) throws FileServiceException

Do the obvious. Not permitted unless this client put the file there earlier.

bool cvac::FileService::exists ( FilePath  file) throws FileServiceException

True if the file exists on the FileServer. The FileService might not permit clients to query for the existence of arbitrary files, instead, it will grant permissions only to files that were uploaded by the respective client.

ByteSeq cvac::FileService::getFile ( FilePath  file) throws FileServiceException

copies a remote file at the specified FilePath to the same location on the local hard disk.

FileProperties cvac::FileService::getProperties ( FilePath  file) throws FileServiceException

Obtains read/write permissions of a file or directory. To obtain the permissions of a directory, use an empty filename component or a dot "."

void cvac::FileService::putFile ( FilePath  file,
ByteSeq  bytes 
) throws FileServiceException

copies a local file at the specified FilePath to the same location on the remote file FileService.

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