EasyCV  0.9.36
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cvac::CorpusCallback Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for cvac::CorpusCallback:

Private Member Functions

void corpusMirrorProgress (Corpus corp, int numtasks, int currtask, string taskname, string details, float percentCompleted)
void corpusMirrorCompleted (Corpus corp)

Detailed Description

CorpusCallback informs the caller of CorpusService's createLocalMirror function about the progress of downloading and extracting the dataset.

Member Function Documentation

void cvac::CorpusCallback::corpusMirrorCompleted ( Corpus  corp)

Called once the createLocalMirror function has completed.

void cvac::CorpusCallback::corpusMirrorProgress ( Corpus  corp,
int  numtasks,
int  currtask,
string  taskname,
string  details,
float  percentCompleted 

The CorpusService might or might not call this function to provide updates about the mirror creation progress.

corpWhich Corpus this progress report is for.
numtasksHow many tasks there are in total, e.g. download and extract would be numtasks==2.
currtaskWhat the number of the current task is, e.g. download==1.
tasknameFor example, "downloading".
detailsFor example, "45MB of 375MB at 2.3MB/sec".
percentCompletedA percentage between 0.0 and 1.0, concerning only the current task.

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